It's Not Goodbye, But Au Revoir!

John Alexander's last match as a sitting MP on the Parliament Courts
With the 46th Parliament coming to a close we have been busy farewelling esteemed members.
We kicked off the week with a Rugby Union Reunion bringing together all members of the Club who had played since our triumphant Parliamentary Rugby World Cup campaign in 2003.
The day commenced with training and touch football with the Classic Wallabies. We were indebted to David Pocock, who broke from the campaign trail to take on the sitting parliamentarians at RMC Duntroon. Aided by Morgan Turinui, Ben Alexander, Sam Norton Knight and Tom Cusack it was a feast of exceptional rugby with the old and the new, Peter King and Garth Hamilton combining to secure victory for Parliament.
At the Reunion dinner we farewelled Joel Fitzgibbon, Warren Snowdon and Chris Hayes. The stories were numerous, none fanciful, and many fond memories were rekindled. We welcomed back Mal Brough, Robert McClelland, Peter King, Craig Emerson, Bruce Billson, Stuart Henry, Grant Chapman et al. A fun night and special mention to other retiring members in attendance, Damian Drum and Andrew Laming.
With thanks to our host Lt Col Mat Brooks and to our sponsor Amanda Lampe from Diageo.
The final sitting day for the House of Representatives saw us see off John Alexander on a glorious autumnal morning with another masterclass from a legend who taught colleagues how to improve their tennis whilst enjoying the camaraderie that sport brings.
Thank you to all sports club members retiring at this election.
Joel Fitzgibbon 2003 Parliamentary Rugby World Cup
2006 NZ Tour
2006 - 2022 Golf Kingston Heath onwards
Warren Snowdon 2003 Parliamentary Rugby World Cup
2006 NZ Tour
2007 Battle of Ballymore
2007 Tug of War
Chris Hayes 2006 NZ Tour
2007 Battle of Ballymore
2007 Tug of War
Damian Drum 2006 - 2022 Golf Kingston Heath onwards
Andrew Laming 2005 - Rugby v State & Territories
2009 - 2020 Australian Open Tennis
2016 - Multi sport tour to NZ
Steve Irons 2007 - 2020 Golf
2008 Cricket v Press Gallery
Nicolle Flint 2016 Parliamentary Netball World Cup
Sharon Bird. 2006 - 2013 Netball v New Zealand onwards
John Alexander 2010 - 2020 Australian Open Tennis
2010 - 2022 Golf
Greg Hunt 2007 Parliamentary Ashes
Combined Rugby Squad 2003-2022